About Menstrual Cups


A menstrual cup is an insertable period product that collects rather than absorbs your period flow. As a single cup can be safely re-used for years, it is a highly affordable and eco-friendly alternative to tampons and pads.

Menstrual cups are safe and hygienic. As with any period product, it is important to select a trusted brand with high quality standards.

It is normal for menstrual flow to vary throughout your period. We advise choosing your size based on what you would require for the heaviest day of your period. For example, if you have heavy flow for the first two days followed by light flow, we advise selecting the heavy flow cup. This cup can be used on all days of your period. You can also purchase both sizes and use them on different days.

Giving birth does not impact which size you should use. The vagina is a highly elastic passage which can expand to let things in (or out!), but can also snap back into shape. We know of younger people who comfortably use our heavy flow cup, as well as mothers who have had multiple vaginal births who use our light/medium flow size.